ISCT 2024: Photo & Video

During the 7th ISCT Taijiquan Culture Festival, daily updates featuring selected photos and videos will be shared on this page. Photos and videos courtesy of Marco Monteriso. ISCT 2024 Extras Jin Gang Dao Dui: Postural work Fa Li Tuishou & Application Moving Logo ISCT 2024 Day Four (April 28th, 2024) ISCT 2024 Day Three (April […]

6th Edition – Fuse and conciliate with Taijiquan in harmony

The VI International Online Workshop, led by Master Chen Peishan, took place on October 29th. This workshop was organized by ISCT in collaboration with the Japanese Chen Family Taijiquan Association. Many students from Japan, China, and Europe connected to follow the insightful theoretical lesson on the transition from Wuji to Taiji, on the connection between […]

4th Edition – Balance your physical and mental health with Taijiquan

The Fourth International Online Seminar, organized by the International Society of Chen Taijiquan (ISCT) in collaboration with the Japanese Chen Family Taijiquan Association, was broadcast via Zoom and Youtube on Sunday 18th September 2022 . The workshop, whose title was “Let’s Practice Chen-Family Taijiquan Together Beyond the Borders“, was held by Master Chen Peishan, XII […]