ISCT 2024: Photo & Video

During the 7th ISCT Taijiquan Culture Festival, daily updates featuring selected photos and videos will be shared on this page. Photos and videos courtesy of Marco Monteriso. ISCT 2024 Extras Jin Gang Dao Dui: Postural work Fa Li Tuishou & Application Moving Logo ISCT 2024 Day Four (April 28th, 2024) ISCT 2024 Day Three (April […]

ISCT Online Taiji Culture Festival

An ISCT initiative brought, recently, together its members — the U.S.A., Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, France, China and Japan — in a creative effort that transcended boundaries and unveiled the beauty of cultural diversity and shared practices. The outcome was a collection of 5-7 short films, each offering a glimpse into the culture and the history […]